Reports and Memos
Reports and Memos: Compendium of BPL Internal Documents
Annual Corporate Report, Bound: A compendium of the past BPL Fiscal Year. Memos, Procedures Documents, Mission Reports, and other printed matter, encased in typical BPL bureaucratic binding, and personally signed by every employee of the company; indisputable evidence of pride and commitment to quantity so rarely found in contemporary Corporate America. -

Reports and Memos: Compendium of BPL Internal Documents, Paperless
SUBSCRIPTION TO BPL MISSION REPORTS ON CUSTOM USB FLASH DRIVE: So you hate paper. We'll put all of BPL's past year's documents and some extra photos and a few special items on a custom thumb drive, which claims to be totally green in its manufacture and carbon usage! Think of all the paper you will be saving! And all the electricity you can waste! The real advantage here is you can erase all that stuff if you want and use the drive for your own memos- and BPL will be able to use the paper for insulating spacecraft or something! -

Reports and Memos: LIMPER Mission Press Kit
A 2007 document issued to introduce the Limited Intelligence Marginally Produced Exploration Rover to BPL customers. Production and testing scenarios are outlined and a rare 'bill of ingredients' appears at the end. This document has been updated to include more of the hapless Rover's development and the continuing 'Search For Life On Earth (S-FLOE). -

Reports and Memos: BPL Internal Memoranda
The BPL Sales And Distribution Node (SADN) has a stockpile of Memos produced by a variety of Company departments, e.g. the Aleatory Department, the Department of Cautious Pessimism, the Department of Optimism and Interpretation, the Department of Ephemera, and so on. One could peruse these memos at the
Memo Portal, and download them for free. The documents we are offering are official historical objects, signed, stamped, catalogued, invoiced, outvoiced, entered, noted, acknowledged, re- and disre- garded, and otherwise marked up with arcane corporate semaphore. Each Memo is carefully checked for accuracy, although the accuracy is not. -